Question: My request for a carpool is not up-to-date. How can I delete it ?

Answer: To delete entries is as convenient as creating them.

Go to and log-in with your E-Mail-address and your password. The fields for the form you will find on the left side below the yellow buttons. If you have forgotten your password you can help yourself by simply clicking on the link Passwort vergessen? , which can be found lower than the described fields.

If you are logged in, after you gave typed in your E-Mail und password correctly, in the centre of the screen on the upper part the following toolbar emerges: Contact details – Account – About me – Cars – Advertisements – Carpools – My MiFaZ. Click on Advertisements. Then you will get to the right page where you just have to click in the row of the entry which has to be deleted on Löschen (delete) and then over again for comfirmation on “Ja”(Yes). Done.