The handling with shortcuts is especially important for people with visual limitations or disabilities, due to the fact that they can not use or can only restricted use a mouse. They are relying on alternative means of typing in data. Even for all who are liking to work with the keyboard, the shortcuts of the MiFaZ are useful.

  • 0 – zero is the standard for the start page – you will reach the start page with search in the vicinity
  • n – New entry
  • 1 – One is standard for the help page – You reach help&service of MiFaZ
  • 9 – standard for the contact page – You reach the “About us” (Imprint/Legal Notice) page with a contact form

The shortcuts have a different function according to the web-browser:

  • Firefox: Alt+CapsLock+shortkey
  • Internet Explorer: Alt+shortkey+Enter
  • Macintosh with Safari: Ctrl+shortkey

Please be aware that due to the installation of plugins (which are enhancements for the web-browser) some shortkey may be occupied by the Plugin.