The handling with shortcuts is especially important for people with visual limitations or disabilities, due to the fact that they can not use or can only restricted use a mouse. They are relying on alternative means of typing in data. Even for all who are liking to work with the keyboard, the shortcuts of the MiFaZ are useful. 0 – zero is the standard for the start page – you will reach the start page […]
Kategorie: Internettechnologien: Gestaltung & Umgang
Proceeding for the arrangement of a carpool
If you have found a suitable offer/request, please contact the person personally, either by telephone or via e-mail. In the further contact, the following facts should be clarified. In case of a drive made once: Is the trip really taking place at the date and time which is stated in the advertisement? Clarify the price: How much participation is desired for the fuel ? (This price should be binding afterwards and not be renegotiated during […]
General Rules
Be fair and dependable. Keep your ads up to date. Drive with care. As a driver, you are responsible for your passengers as well. Don’t drive too fast. Keep your car in a roadworthy condition – it’s not just about your safety. Before departure, check if you have a first aid kit, a warning triangle, etc on board. Don’t overload your vehicle. As the driver, set an appropriate price for the trip. Our site is […]
Question: How can I delete my request for a carpool?
Question: My request for a carpool is not up-to-date. How can I delete it ? Answer: To delete entries is as convenient as creating them. Go to and log-in with your E-Mail-address and your password. The fields for the form you will find on the left side below the yellow buttons. If you have forgotten your password you can help yourself by simply clicking on the link Passwort vergessen? , which can be found […]
Question: I was able to establish a carpool. But not for every day, shall I still inform you?
Question: I was able to establish a carpool. But not for every day, just one day yes and one day no. Should I inform you about the success anyways? Answer: Yes, please. We count unsteady trips as successes. Even for these successes it can be worthwile to add fellow travellers at carpools, if they are participating öften. So you have their details on your screen, and you don’t loose sight of them.
Question: What's going on, if I submit that I have established a carpool?
Question: What’s going on, if I submit that I have established a carpool? Do you then delete the ad? Answer: No, no reason for concern. Your ad is continued. A message of success causes that your advertisment additionally emerges at Carpools. You can add MiFaZ-user as fellow travellers. Furthermore we count the success for our statistics.
Question: Can I offer a commuter service for our pupils ?
Question: I am a teacher / webmaster at a professional school. Can I offer a commuter service for our pupils ? Answer: Yes, would be fine. Simply incorporate a link to in your Website – or respectively to the regional MiFaZ of your city, if it is already existing. Such a link is naturally free of charge. Do you want to have a more individual service, then we could install an own MiFaz for […]
I am unable to login
Question: I am a registered MiFaZ user. I would like to login, but get the message “Login failed”. I believe that I have forgotten my password. What to do? Answer: No problem at all. You can create a password by your own. Click on to the link Passwort vergessen? (Password forgotten) directly lower than the input fields for the login. You will be transferred to a page, where you type in your E-Mail-address and click […]
Question: Is it possible to make bookings via the MifaZ on short notice, e.g when strikes at DB/S-Bahn are occurring ?
Question: Is it possible to make bookings via the MifaZ on short notice, e.g whenstrikes at DB/S-Bahn are occurring ? Answer: Principally yes. Please create a search in that cases by your own. If you are searching for one day, choose “Einfache Fahrt” (Single journey). An established advertismement can be viewed immediately in the MiFaZ. If there are advertisements of other users matching when you establish your ad, these are shown and you can immediately […]
I am searching for a ride for a specific date to the station XY...
Question: I am searching for a ride for a specific date to the station XY. There is no suitable bus for the departure time of my train. Is there a special function for this type of sporadically searches ? Answer: Yes surely this is possible. We do not arrange regulare trips, but also once a time trips. Just create an own advertisement for that. Just click on Neuer Eintrag (New entry). If you have proceeded […]