The menu bar is visible when you are logged in.

  1. Contact details: Here you can change your name, address and much more
  2. Account: Here you can change your user account, e.g. you ara able to changeyour E-Mail-address or your password.
  3. About myself: Here you can create a personal profile. Show an image of you. Just chosse with “Search for” the image file on your PC and upload it with “Upload”. The image is released in the detail view of your advertisements, your profile and if you are logged in, on the main page of in the list of users, which are online. Add a self description or just add some comments about your likes and dislikes when driving. This enables you to find an even more suitable carpool, which is right for you.
  4. Entries: Your ads on a glimpse. An entry can be changed by clicking on change, if something has changed , deleted by clicking on delete, if you are not looking for fellow travellers for that route or submit a succcess by clicking on Report success, if you have managed to start a carpool through the advertisement. This creates a new carpool for you – just look there.
  5. My Cars: Here you can give mor information about your car – including an image. Just searchand find the image file on your PC by clicking on “Durchsuchen”, choose it and upload it by submitting “Upload”.
  6. My Carpools: Have a look on your carpools. You can add fellow travellers and delete, if they are also MiFaZ user. This enables you to have a better contact with them.
  7. My MiFaZ: You can change personal settings, especially your region, in case of a move or a new regional MiFaZ has been recently incorporated to the network which is nearer to your place of residence.